Werkbund Estates in Europe 1927-1932 Project.

On this date, the European Commission recognised the Baba estate as a European Heritage Site as part of the successful international Werkbund Estates in Europe 1927-1932 Project.
Letter EHL sites Werkbund Estates in Europe 1927-1932

On this date, the European Commission recognised the Baba estate as a European He Dear Mr. Herbert Medek,I have the pleasure to inform you that the European Commission has awarded the Werkbund Estates in Europe the European Heritage Label. The European Heritage Label aims to enhance people’s, and especially young people’s,understanding and appreciation of the […]
The choice of the graphic manual

The graphic manual of visual style, including the logotype by Jan Šabach, is based on the interwar graphic work of the Bauhaus. The logo resembles the houses themselves on Baba with their flat roofs and belt windows. It is also inspired by the original iconic visual style used in the promotion of Baba by Ladislav […]
“On the way to modernity. Werkbund Estates 1927-1932”

The Museum of Architecture in Wrocław, Poland, curated a significant exhibition from 31 May to 5 June 2016. It was called “On the way to modernity. Werkbund Estates 1927-1932”, and it presented all six unique European housing estates, including Baba, in one place for the first time. The exhibition catalogue included a text written by […]
Comprehensive Guide to the Baba Housing Estate is Out

In 2013, the FOIBOS publishing house cooperated with the Prague 6 City District in publishing Great Villas of the Prague 6 Baba Housing Estate 1932-1936, dedicated to an important interwar activity of the Association of the Czechoslovak Werkbund, the exhibition and realisation of the Baba Housing Estate in Prague, which ranked among the greatest achievements […]